
Hey family, happy daylight savings! That's usually not a holiday, but for missionaries it's fantastic, you have no idea how many people use the dark as an excuse. All the time it's "guys, we're about to go to bed guys," and we're like "guys, it's 6:30." No more of that now though! It was pretty cold this week. I had a good, food-filled week this week, I'll tell you all about it.
First I'll tell you about the food. We started the week off with a nice Pandarito, (Panda Express in a tortilla), we had some chipotle, some fine dining at a rich members house, some surprise Mexican food with some Hispanic members, a really unusual dinner where the member had to leave because his brother died the day before. That was pretty sad, actually.
On that note, let me tell you about some cool zany adventures that we got up to here. We found a new copycat church. It's funny, I've ran into a bunch of churches that take a piece or two from us, really random and specific things. This church called the Voice Of God has its own restoration and first vision type thing, and also they bear testimony just like us. It was really weird, after he told us his first vision thing he paused, and said "I know that what I said is true. I just want to invite you guys to look it up, look into it, it changed my life." What he was saying actually made a lot of sense, the only problem was there was no spirit when he testified.
Anyways, we built a shed, we taught the lesson in primary, we found a guy who was just crashing his Land Rover through a forest. He ran over like 3 trees and we asked him what he was doing and he said "I'm just wrecking stuff." Really chill guy. After that we went to Dahlonega and we were contacting around and it was dark and freezing, and there was nobody out, and we were like "what's the point if nobody is here?" And that's when about 20 college girls came out of nowhere and they were going on a ghost hunt! We walked with them for a while and gave out some cards, but we didn't go to the graveyard that's too.
So a cool miracle this week. We devoted basically all of Saturday to finding because it's prime time and all, and we felt like working in a bunch of different areas that day. First street, We met one girl who likes learning about other religions who we taught about the Book of Mormon. She said her parents usually run the missionaries off and we came at just the right time to catch her before work. On the next street, we met two more people who usually worked away from home and just recently got back for a short time. Then on the next street we met another one who is never home and never met missionaries before, the next one had someone who "is never home", but actually met with the missionaries a bunch of times years ago, and then we went to an apartment complex and found two more people with the same story. One was the daughter of a less active member. That makes 7 total! The Lord put us right where we needed to be all day.
