Showing posts from July, 2016
Safe in Atlanta
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We received a voicemail message from Barak this morning 6 am-ish. He was at the airport headed to Atlanta. We received an email this afternoon: Your missionary has arrived safely! We will send your missionary’s address and a picture with President and Sister Bennion the next week. And best of all, a friend posted on facebook visual confirmation of Elder Roach in Atlanta, Georgia. Thank you anonymous stranger! We love you forever.
July 22
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Hey everyone, this has been my last full week at the MTC. A lot happened this last week and it was all pretty incredible. I'll start with Sunday. Me and my companion made it to our classroom and our branch president pulled us aside. He made us zone leaders, which I thought was strange because I'm leaving Tuesday at 3:30 AM , but apparently English missions in the MTC get changed around so much that it was pretty normal to call a zone leader for a week. I was a little bit freaked out, but after I realized I don't have to deal with the missionaries like the district leader does I calmed a bit. TBH, being district leader here is much harder than zone leader. After I got a surprise calling, we went to choir and sang some songs and we watched the same video as last week, the Character of Christ by Elder Bednar, which I thought was strange until it was revealed that Elder Bednar decided to make a surprise visit. He did a Q&A thing and he was really funny....
Friday 8/15
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Hello all, it's the end of my first week (plus last Wednesday-Sunday), and it has been really busy. basically, we get up at 6:30 and then we're rushed off of our feet till lunch, then dinner, then back in bed at 9:30 . First, I would like to ask you all to send me the email addresses of anyone who wants a weekly update, because I lost all of everyone's addresses. New email and all. So we were assigned "TRCs" this week, which are basically investigators, except most of them are actors that are already members. Some of them are real investigators that were really open and easy to teach, so they got sent here, some are real investigators from around here that just came here looking for the lessons, but most are return missionaries that are impersonating an investigator that they knew well on their mission. We have taught our two TRCs three times now, and it feels amazing. I don't know how else to explain it, we don't know what we're doing and we ju...
Day #3 in the MTC
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Yep, I got to email on the first day, and now I get to email again, because, at least for now, Fridays are my P-Days. We were supposed to go to the temple today, but it's closed right now. In fact, most missionaries don't get P-Days on the first week, but since we had an extra hour because of the temple, we were allowed to write home. Also, I guess I'm not here for two weeks, it's three. That means that I have (strange this section was redacted) , which still doesn't feel like a very long time. We taught our first investigator as a companionship yesterday, and that was a pretty neat experience. I tried to send some pictures, but the computers here won't let me connect my camera for some reason. Tell Eva to tell Hannah that there's an elder here with some sweet space joggers and I got him to model the space tie and I got a picture. Oh well, I bet I'll be able to send pictures easier from my IPad, in case you don't know. I think that I have everyth...
First Day
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Hey guys, I made it through my first day. It's pretty fast paced here, I haven't had a moment since I got here, but it's ok. The learning here is very hands on, we have already taught three investigators. I think that two of them were fake, but I think that the last one was real. Everything is going really well and the spirit is always present here it's kind of crazy. Also, we sang four hymns in the first meeting. I'll try to take some pictures for the next time I can email. I guess that's all, I think that you can forward this email to whoever wants something Elder Barak Roach Georgia Atlanta North Mission