July 22
Hey everyone, this has been my last full week at the MTC. A lot happened this last week and it was all pretty incredible.
I'll start with Sunday. Me and my companion made it to our classroom and our branch president pulled us aside. He made us zone leaders, which I thought was strange because I'm leaving Tuesday at 3:30 AM, but apparently English missions in the MTC get changed around so much that it was pretty normal to call a zone leader for a week. I was a little bit freaked out, but after I realized I don't have to deal with the missionaries like the district leader does I calmed a bit. TBH, being district leader here is much harder than zone leader.
After I got a surprise calling, we went to choir and sang some songs and we watched the same video as last week, the Character of Christ by Elder Bednar, which I thought was strange until it was revealed that Elder Bednar decided to make a surprise visit. He did a Q&A thing and he was really funny.
Monday we got new TRC's but my new calling meant that I had to split with another elder that day because he went out into the real world to get an x-ray. They're pretty strict here, it's almost like they're looking for things to send missionaries back for, but I guess they need to make sure everyone can handle the work.
Tuesday was normal but Wednesday we got to give an orientation to the new guys, which was weird because I just barely got the hang of how stuff works here myself. I guess since it's been two weeks I'm a seasoned veteran compared to them.
Thursday was infield orientation, which was just your standard nine hours of meetings and plus they did a little play at the end. I got to go to the temple again today for the last time for two years, but I feel like God knew that it would be a while, because I noticed some things that gave me enough questions to last me until I get home I think.
I can't believe I'm leaving in four days to the real mission, but at the same time, the changes that were wrought on me (without me noticing, btw) were pretty significant. I couldn't do it and still can't do it without relying on the spirit, and I don't think I've ever really understood the gospel like I do now. It's funny because I feel like I've learned so much more from learning to teach than I did just regular learning.
Anyways, the church is true and the book is blue and all that. I'll send you a few pictures that I took of the temple and underwater and my comp and me and some ghost buster gear and some other stuff.

Elder Barak Roach
Georgia Atlanta North Mission
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